The Lunch Club VI: Chef Flo @ The Miele Gallery

This Lunch Club might have been the most stressful one so far. From our original chef bailing on us, to the table at Miele not being long enough, and then the monsoon-like weather conditions on the day. Despite everything, this turned out to be our booziest and arguably the most fun one so far. We had a number of first-timers and might even have our first Lunch Club couple too! Both of you think you can be low-key, but we've gauged your bants. 

This month, we took little trip to Italy with two lovely chefs: Chef Flo and Chef Amy via the Miele Gallery

Well, almost Italy.

See, we couldn't find Italian Pinot Grigio so we had to settle for Chilean. So it was more like a trip to Italy via Chile. Close enough, eh?


A big thank you to everyone that came through, Miele, Chef Flo and Chef Amy. It was lovely having you guys and we hope we see you again. 

Interested in our little club? Sign up HERE. The next is going to be even better so you should probably get on that.


Eat.Drink.Lagos X PhillyGidi Cheesesteak


The Week In Instagram Food Porn: 20 June, 2015