Claim Your Leftover #EatDrinkFestival Wristband Balance

The #EatDrinkFestival refund portal is now live. You can access it HERE. We recommend you access the portal via Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera. Safari can be a bit buggy and will need you to refresh the page a couple of times before it loads.

To get your refund, follow the following steps

1 Create Account

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2 Enter personal information

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3 Create a password

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4 Link your wristband

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5 Claim refund and view transaction history

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We’ll be processing the refunds in daily batches at the start of each day this week as that’s the most efficient way for the bank to handle it.

Update: The refund portal will close Sunday January 31 ,2020

If you have any issues, please contact us with the form below:


Planning #EatDrinkFestival19


EatDrinkFestival '19: Adding Money to Your Festival Wristband