EDL Weekender: Introducing the #DrinkLagos Blog

Early in the year, we started our "Drink Lagos" series. We basically assembled a team of drinkers, gave them a budget and let them loose on Lagos. Maybe not exactly like that, but I feel it captures things from our end. Anyway, we're happy to say that series has grown enough to be it's own thing. In light of this, we've started a separate blog for it - drink.eatdrinklagos.com 



Welcome to #DrinkLagos, the dedicated drinks home of Eat.Drink.Lagos

Now, you can't say we lean to heavily in one direction. Anyway, here's what to do and listen to this weekend:


This week's playlist is absolutely stellar. 


Otedola/Ojodu Bridge Fire Chef Relief Dinner

The chefs Lagos are hosting a relief dinner for the victims of the Otedola Bridge fire. 

On the 28th June 2018 there was a massive fire on Otedola Bridge in Lagos. We were all shocked by what we saw, an inferno from which there was loss of life and lives were changed forever. As we all know, tragedies are happening across our country and indeed the world but sometimes, we are called to act and this is why I have put together a group of other chefs in organizing a special private relief dinner on the 28th July at 788 On The Sea in Lekki.

Nine chefs, including myself are involved and each of us will prepare a course for the 120 guests. From a creative perspective it is pretty exciting as apart from knowing which course we are designing, the ingredients are being donated by different suppliers, so anything can go down in the kitchen! As a food-lover, I am sure you will love to book a seat or indeed a table for you and your friends/organization to join on this culinary adventure for which all proceeds will go to those affected by the fire.

In the spirit of transparency, all monies will be collected via a special account for the relief dinner, and we will keep you informed on not only the sum raised but how it was used to help assist those who need it most.
— Chef Elégbèdé
WhatsApp Image 2018-07-20 at 7.50.19 PM.jpeg

Dinner: Canapés and welcome drinks, followed by 9 courses from 9 different chefs including two glasses of wine (more may be purchased at a discounted price at venue)

Time: 6:00pm

Date: July 28th

Location: 788 on the Sea Restaurant, 2nd Floor, Twin Waters, Okunde Bluewater Zone, Lekki, Lagos

For bookings and further information contact ngchefrelief@gmail.com 



Indoor House Party

Silent Disco is celebrating their second anniversary and they're doing a little something to celebrate


EDL Weekender: Tacos & Tequila at South


EDL Weekender: NOK and the Mamma Mia Club