EDL Makes: Drunken Noodles

Happy Weekend!

In today’s episode of quarantine kitchen! We’re making Drunken Noodles. Our version is not a 100% authentic because I may subs based on local availability but it still tastes 100!

Honestly, this recipe post wasn’t meant to go up any time soon. I still have Banana bread, yoghurt cake, dumplings and tacos that were made before this and haven’t been posted. However, since we posted it on Twitter and Instagram today, a lot of people asked for the recipe and we felt it was best to give the people what they asked for. 

The prepping time of the recipe is longer than the active cooking time cause you cook everything really quickly at high heat so it’s important to have everything prepped before you actually start cooking as you wouldn’t have time to be chopping minced onions or measuring out fish sauce mid way though. With that in mind, let’s go!

Ingredients List

Mise en place!

Mise en place!

For 4 servings


  • 400 grams noodles - use the widest flat noodles you can get. I didn’t have any of that available so I used egg noodles. Honestly, feel free to use tagliatelle or fettuccine if that’s what you have. 

Vegetables and their friends

  • 4 green onion, chopped

  • 1 onion, chopped (yellow or red is fine)

  • 6 large cloves of garlic, minced

  • 1.5 cups basil (or Thai Holy Basil, if you can find any)

  • 4 Thai chillies (or 4 habanero peppers) very thinly sliced


  • 400 grams chicken thighs, cut into bite-size pieces (you can use breast but thighs are tastier)

  • 6 very large prawns, each cut into 4 large pieces (can be left out if you don’t have any)


  • 6 tablespoons oyster sauce

  • 3 tablespoons light soy sauce (use regular soy sauce if you don’t have light and dark)

  • 3 tablespoons dark soy sauce (use regular soy sauce if you don’t have light and dark)

  • 3 teaspoons sugar

  • 2 tablespoons water

  • 1 teaspoon chilli flakes

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Stir fry 

  • 4 tablespoons plain vegetable oil

  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil

  • 4 teaspoons fish sauce 


The only time in the cooking process I could stop to get a picture

The only time in the cooking process I could stop to get a picture

  1. Chop all the “vegetables and their friends” and set aside

  2. Cut the proteins and also set aside. 

  3. Mix the sauce and you guessed right, set aside. 

  4. Portion out the fish sauce and once more, set aside. 

  5. Finally, measure out the vegetable oil and sesame oil into the wide heavy pan that you’re going to use and set aside once again

  6. Cook the noodles according to the package instructions. Unless you’re really good at multi tasking, I don’t suggest you do this while doing something else cause noodles usually take no more than 5 minutes to cook and if you over cook you’ll be left with a soggy mess. Once they are done, pour very cold water over them, in fact, use ice cubes if you have any so that they stop cooking

  7. It’s go time!

  8. Heat up your cooking oil on a medium to high heat

  9. Add the garlic and chillis and cook for not more than 30 seconds so that the garlic doesn’t burn

  10. Add the onions and cook for another 1 - 2 minutes while the onion softens, do not stop turning the mix at this point so nothing burns

  11. Add the chicken and about half of your fish sauce and cook for about 2 minutes or less till the edges of the chicken are cooked but it still looks pink on the inside

  12. Add the prawns and the rest of the fish sauce and cook for another minute

  13. Add the green onions, noodles, and sauce stir quickly so it evenly distributed

  14. Add the noodles and toss preferably with tongs so that the sauce coats the noodles, cook for a minute or two 

  15. Stir in the basil and remove from heat. The basil will wilt with the residual heat in a minute or two and you can serve immediately!

  16. Sprinkle with more chilli flakes (if you’d like) after serving for more heat. 


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