Join the EatDrinkLagos Team: We're Hungry for Fresh Voices

Hey there, Lagos food lovers!

Are you the friend everyone turns to for restaurant recommendations? Do you have strong opinions on where to find the best jollof or the most innovative cocktails in town? Or maybe you're a whiz at creating mouth-watering food videos that make everyone's stomach growl? If so, we want you to join our team!

Who We Are

Since 2015, EatDrinkLagos has been the go-to guide for foodies looking to explore the vibrant culinary scene of Lagos. Founded by Nosa and Folly, we've grown from a passion project into the ultimate resource for discovering the best eats and drinks in the city. From hole-in-the-wall gems to high-end hotspots, we've been dishing out honest reviews, mouthwatering recommendations, and the inside scoop on food events that keep Lagos buzzing.

What We're Looking For

We're on the hunt for food enthusiasts who can bring fresh perspectives to our table, both in writing and on camera. Here's what we're craving:

  1. A Passion for Dining Out in Lagos: You don't just eat to live; you live to eat (and drink) your way through Lagos.

  2. A Distinctive Voice: Whether in writing or on video, you can describe a meal in a way that makes people feel like they're right there with you, savoring every bite.

  3. Honesty with a Side of Humor: You're not afraid to call out a disappointing dish, but you know how to do it with wit and style.

  4. Cultural Awareness: You understand the diverse culinary landscape of Lagos and can put each dining experience in context.

  5. Reliability: You can meet deadlines and are committed to producing quality content consistently.

  6. Visual Storytelling Skills: For our video contributors, you know how to capture the essence of a dish or restaurant in short, engaging videos.

What You'll Do

As an EatDrinkLagos contributor, you'll have the delicious task of:

  • Visiting restaurants, bars, and food events across Lagos

  • Writing engaging, honest reviews that capture the essence of each experience

  • Creating captivating short-form videos for platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts

  • Contributing to our blog with food-related articles and features

  • Potentially participating in our events, including the famous #EatDrinkFestival

Why Create Content for Us?

  • Be part of the most fun food and drink platform in Lagos

  • Hone your writing and video creation skills with feedback from our team

  • Get invited to exclusive food events and tastings

  • Get paid for the content you create

How to Apply

Think you've got what it takes to join our team of culinary chroniclers and visual storytellers? Here's how to throw your chef's hat in the ring:

For Writers:

  1. Send us your best 500-word review of a Lagos restaurant (it can be anywhere from a bustling buka to a fancy hotel restaurant).

  2. Include a brief bio telling us why you're the perfect addition to the EatDrinkLagos family.

  3. Share links to any previous writing samples or social media accounts where you showcase your food adventures.

For Video Content Creators:

  1. Create a 60-second video review of a Lagos restaurant or dish that makes viewers want to try it immediately.

  2. Include a brief bio telling us about your video creation experience and why you're passionate about Lagos food.

  3. Share links to your TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube accounts where you've posted food-related content.

Email your application to with the subject line "Future EatDrinkLagos Contributor - [Writer/Video Creator]".

We can't wait to see your submissions and discover the next voices and faces that will help us continue to define the food and drink scene in Lagos. So, grab your fork (or your fingers—we don't judge), charge your camera, and let's eat, drink, film, and write our way through the best that Lagos has to offer!

Psst... Did we mention you might get to expense your meals? Now that's some food for thought!


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