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Want Brunch on the Go? OIZA’s a Good Place to Start

OIZA has been on my ‘Must Try’ list for the last few weeks. My initial plan was to make it down to their spot at Food Corner in Victoria Island, but between the HEAT and my random bouts of illness, the delivery option seemed best.

A note on their delivery system: You follow a link from their Instagram bio, which shows you what’s available on the menu and then redirects you to Whatsapp. I’m not a big fan of ordering food this way because I find it a bit tedious, but they made it a ton easier by providing a menu you can easily select from.

I got the Garlic Mayo Chicken Rolls, because they sounded delicious, the Beef Worcestershire Sandwich and Mango Dream Smoothie. In about two hours, it got to me on the Mainland, still warm and smelling quite delicious (downside: the smoothie was HOT, because THIS HEAT 🥵🥵).

Garlic Mayo Chicken Rolls

After taking about 1000 photos, I started off with the rolls, which, in fact, were delicious. They were golden brown on the outside and cooked to perfection on the inside; the only downside is they needed *a lot* more garlic to be called Garlic Mayo Chicken Rolls. I’m a big garlic gal, so this was a bit of a letdown but it still slapped though.

The sandwich was next, which had minced beef, a sunny side up, American cheese and lettuce in it. It’s a tasty sandwich and I could easily have that for breakfast or brunch once or twice a week. Grill marks are also v. important on a toastie, so I’m glad there were some pronounced lines on this one.

Beef Worcestershire Sandwich

Mango Dream Smoothie

Most surprising was the smoothie (plus this bottle is a keeper; I love a cute bottle). I’m not a huge smoothie person — I would rather just eat a bunch of fruit *smug look* — but this one was so good.

It’s called Mango Dream but had strawberries, chia seeds, honey and cream in it as well (⚠️ lactose intolerant gang beware) and the mix is just gorgeous. After about half an hour in the freezer, it was nicely chilled and quite a nice ‘step down’ from all the meat and savouriness.

I love how fresh everything was, the special attention to flavour and how good the food in particular smelt. OIZA’s absolutely got my attention and I’m very keen on ordering again soon. Next time though, hopefully, while I’m whiling away time on the Island so I don’t have to pay N3000 for delivery.


Garlic Mayo Chicken Rolls — N4000

Beef Worcestershire Sandwich — N6000

Mango Dream Smoothie — N4000

Delivery (Mainland) — N3000

See this Instagram gallery in the original post