EDL Bites: Jazzy's Burger Breakfast Burger is My New Thing

When we eat (or drink) somewhere and don’t try enough things on the menu to give it a full, well-rounded review, we sum up our experience in an ‘EDL Bites’ post instead. Enjoy!

Jazzy’s Burger

Instagram | Website

It's always a bit tricky when celebrities decide to dabble in the food industry. Is it just another business venture or a true passion project? I, for one, find food to be very personal. When I eat something made by someone else, I want to know it was produced with intention, not just as a money-making move. I'm not looking for a cliche "secret ingredient of love" in the food, but rather a sense of authenticity and purpose in its creation.

So, you can understand that I was a bit skeptical about Jazzy's Burger, owned by Don Jazzy. Similar to Domino's Jollof announcement, news about this new brand broke while we were in the midst of planning for the EatDrinkFestival, but it was on our must-try list because we had to know if it was worth it.

Now that we've covered the background information, let's talk about the food.

Jazzy's Burger has a pretty decent burger menu, with options for beef and chicken. The Breakfast Burger stood out to me the most because I am a morning food person and it seemed more manageable than a Double Beef Burger. A few things you should know:

  • All orders are made through their app or website,

  • There is no physical location, and

  • Delivery fees can be wild if you’re ordering from the Mainland (I paid N4000), so WARNING ⚠️😀

My order arrived in less than 2 hours, still warm and well-packaged, which is always a plus in Lagos. To ensure a fair review, I took my first few bites within 10 minutes of receiving it.

The Breakfast Burger is incredibly satisfying. It's a "Big Boy" meal, so it's a burger that you could eat in two goes. The bread buns stood out to me the most - they were soft and rich. The burger fillings, which include a sunny side up, frankfurter-style sausages, onion, and lettuce, complemented each other well. The vegetables were fresh, the sunny side up was not overcooked, which I appreciated, and the sausages were nice too.

But, possibly the most delicious thing was the sauce within the layers - a sweet dressing that balanced out the savoriness of everything else, brought it all together, and made the burger lovely and juicy. It was literally overflowing and running down my arm, but I didn't mind at all.

The order came with a regular tub of ketchup I ignored and a (literal) handful of chips that needed way more salt and attention, but it didn’t do much to affect how much I enjoyed the burger. It’s simple and it does what it says on the tin — and that’s good enough for me.


The bottom line: Jazzy’s Burger officially has my attention.


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