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It's National Banana Day 🎉 So, Celebrate *Hard* With Indulgent Treats' Epic Banana Bread

Indulgent Treats

Instagram | 0909 884 3882

Why did it take us being in lockdown to come to appreciate the glory that is banana bread? Is it bread? Is it cake? Can we finally classify it as “healthy food”, so we can stuff our faces with it, without guilt? And why is it so darn addictive?

We may not have all the answers, but what we do have is a top recommendation.

Indulgent Treats’ Banana Bread

One of the best banana bread I’ve had is this winner from a budding bakery in Lagos, Indulgent Treats. In my opinion, it’s what all banana bread should aspire to be. The perfect banana bread is semi-sweet, moist (as in: MOIST) and has a crisp, almost caramelised crust on it, for a beautiful finish — all the qualities you’ll find with this one.

The banana flavour comes through in a way that’s not overwhelming, just right, and the texture of the bread is like… well, actual bread, just slightly denser — which I love; none of that gumminess you sometimes find with others. And not to nitpick, but you can also tell it’s made with brown sugar, not white, which is so important. Brown sugar will give you caramelisation that refined sugar just can’t. Taste-wise, I give it ALL the marks.

Another thing: When you can make out little bits of ripe banana in the slice of bread, you’ve won me over completely — just take my money and run 😂 Is this pretend boujee-ness or just a preference, I’ll never know, but it’s a thing for me.

The first day I got it, I had a few slices with cream, granola and some fruit because I wanted to be extra that day, but feel entirely free to eat it right out of the delivery driver’s hands. No frills necessary.

As with everyone else, I also find it fab when the customer service comes correct (there are too many rude business owners and staff in Lagos). The head baker was polite, and helped me through the ordering/selection process (I also got her vanilla sponge birthday cake that’s TDF and requires a separate five-star review on its own).

Basically? Try it for yourself and see that this is, indeed, one bad-a** indulgent treat.


Mini loaf - N1000

Midi loaf - N1500

Large loaf - N5000

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