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A Game of Cones: Winter Finally Came

Going into Game of Thrones, I’m not sure what I expected. I’d previously glimpsed a few scenes while visiting my friend Lawrence but the series never really stuck. If I remember correctly, the first scene I ever watched was the beheading of Ned Stark and I was beyond shook! What a way to begin!

Sometime during my third year in university, I decided to give Game of Thrones a try. Everyone around me seemed to be watching the series at the time and curiosity had finally gotten the better of me. I wanted to understand why people were calling themselves Khaleesi’s, why the whole world seemed to have a fit when this dude named Jon Snow died and why the phrase ‘winter is coming’ meant so much to people. I mean, winter would come inadvertently right? It’s a season and they come every now and then. Oh, I was so naïve.

Game of Thrones broke my neck. I’d been told it was a whirlwind of a series – and frankly speaking, I’d seen the beheading of a character previously – but I did not expect up to half of what I was beholding. It’s a story so masterfully written, full of wicked twists and turns, sprinkled with politics, fantasy and best of all, vengeance. I wish someone had told me not to pick a favourite character!

As season 7 drew to a close, a little bird whispered to me. This bird did not have good news. I had just found out I would have to wait two years to watch the season finale of the series. I wanted to fight. Two full years? Do you know how much can change in two years? I could finally join the Fit Fam, I could decide to go Buddhist again or I could even be dead in that time. Not to be dramatic or anything but even worse still, I could be married! The years – as expected – flew by and when Game of Thrones returned to prime time television, I was beyond ecstatic.

The return of Game of Thrones to television sparked a movement for many commercial scale businesses. Almost everywhere you look, you’re sure to find something that’s on theme or inspired by the series.

Game of Thrones Mountain Dew? Yes

Game of Thrones Oreos? Yup, we got that too

White Walker by Johnnie Walker? Most definitely

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Lagos got in on the Game of Merch action too Hans & Rene had a selection of Game of Thrones themed treats, it was too good an opportunity to pass up. I immediately knew I had to swing by. Winter was finally here and it clearly came for my taste buds. Take a look:  

Petyr Baelish

Petyr Baelish – or Littlefinger as he was commonly called – has to be the craftiest man in the seven kingdoms. Creating a flavour to capture the diverse personas Lord Baelish portrays is no easy feat.

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Petyr Baelish is a berry salted butter caramel. The combination of these flavours is true to who Lord Baelish was. Sweet in words, salty in actions and ready to butter you up for the slaughter.

Personally, I don’t enjoy caramel but the unique blend of sweet and salty gave the treat an unexpected kick.

Ser Brienne of Tarth

A blond chocolate gelato for our blond knight. Ser Brienne of Tarth is a blond chocolate gelato infused with intense biscuit flavours and caramelised milk. Akin to the series, Ser Brienne of Tarth is Hans and Rene’s first ever blond chocolate gelato. Three cheers for Brienne, the bringer of beginnings!

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I enjoyed many things about this flavour but my favourite thing would have to be the texture. I absolutely love how creamy gelatos are. It had a thickness that wasn’t overwhelming. Its sweetness was delicate and enjoyable.


Putting a flavour to Cersei must’ve posed a challenge for Hans and Rene. How do you create a sweet treat inspired by pure evil? The connoisseurs of the sweet life did not disappoint with Cersei.

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Cersei is a mint ice cream decorated with shards of chocolate. If you ask me, the mint ice cream is the real evil here.

Mint ice cream is a bit of an acquired taste for me. The sharp taste of the mint was balanced out by the sweetness offered by the chocolate. It didn’t taste like sweetened toothpaste – like some mint flavours I’ve come across in the past. Honestly, I could say I enjoyed it just a little.

Lord Varys

I love Lord Varys. Varys is easily one of my favourite characters from the series. He has all the tea in Westeros and beyond and is truly dedicated to the good of the realm. What’s not to love? This flavour, that’s what.

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Lord Varys is a banana gelato with layers of banana bread topped with caramel. I’m very sure this flavour would have been a hit if it could pass my throat. On my list of forbidden fruits, bananas have to be top 3. It’s one of those things I wouldn’t put in my mouth no matter the circumstance. They make me sick. Literally.

I’m particularly sad because this treat was created after a character I love and now, I’ll never be able to know what it tastes like. Tears.

Tyrion Lannister

The Lannisters love their wine. It’s no surprise that a flavour fashioned after our beloved Tyrion infuses the biggest part of Lannister culture in the seven kingdoms.

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Tyrion Lannister is a Zobo Sorbet infused with red wine and cherries. Simply put, this flavour was divine. Red wine and sweet treats aren’t something which would usually come to mind. The balance between the sweet sorbet, slight tang of the cherries and red wine created an exotic blend of flavours.

In my opinion, this flavour should sit on the iron throne.

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen is a fior de latte infused with pistachio and raspberry. ‘Fior di latte’ means ‘flower of milk’ or ‘milk flower’ as the case may be. It’s the purest form of gelato possible – all cream, no flavours or additives. Just sweetened pure cream.

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The mother of dragons kept it sweet with the pistachios but packed a punch with the raspberries. Creating that balance between both flavours kept true to Daenerys’s nature. She’ll break your chains but she could burn you alive, you know.

Between its texture and sweetness, I’m still undecided on what I love best about this flavour. It’s lit.

The Night King

I’d come across the Night King at GT Food and Drink when I reviewed some sweet treats. The Night King is hands down one of the best flavours inspired by the series.

The Night King is a fior di latte gelato – just like Daenerys Targaryen. The Night King kept it sweet and smooth with its cloud like texture. If this is what the actual Night King was bringing to Westeros, I don’t think there would’ve been a war.