Comfort Food in Lagos and Where to Find Them... as Told by Denise

Living in Lagos is bound to toughen you up a bit. From the ceaseless encounters with individuals who need psych evaluations to the traffic and everything in between, this town is tiring with a capital letter ‘T’. Even if strength and resilience are your backbones, sometimes, you just get tired. You’re tired of work, of keeping up appearances at functions, of the old lady across the street who gives you dirty looks all the time, of everything. You’re cranky, burned out and already going off the razor’s edge. You, my dear, require some comfort.

While different people have different ways of dealing with their need for comfort, there is one mechanism that resonates with is there is one mechanism that resonates with more than a few of us; comfort food.

Science says there is no such thing as ‘comfort food’. What do we say to science? As if? ! A study conducted in 2014 by Heather Scherschel Wagner presented at the Association of Psychological Sciences proved that comfort foods are indeed a myth. While you can check the study out in your spare time, I — and everyone else on the planet — beg to differ. What do you mean there’s no such thing as ’comfort food‘? Science is telling me it’s never felt better after eating ice cream and chocolate cake on a shitty day? Science clearly has not lived!

Are you unbothered by science taking the fun out of literally everything? Yeah, me too. Let’s take a look at some of my favorite comfort foods around the city. Dig in!

Buffalo Fries at South Social

South’s tagline on Instagram is ‘Comfort Food Restaurant’ and honestly, I’m yet to see the lie. South’s Buffalo Fries are a blessing in cheese and of those can’t lift your spirits, I’m sorry, I cannot help you.

Is it weird that I'm already comforted looking at this bowl? Just me? Okay then!

Pork Chops Drenched In Mustard at La Taverna

I think it’s pretty evident that everyone at EDL loves La Taverna. But then again, who doesn’t?

La Taverna boasts a thoroughly delicious menu. Nothing on that menu screams comfort like the pork chops drenched in mustard. Succulent, spicy, and generally sinful, I would recommend no other way to drown your sorrows. It’s beautiful, wow.

Burger Kayser at Eric Kayser Restaurant 

Burgers are a classic comfort meal because they combine everything good and right with the world; succulent meats, soft buns, dripping dressings, you get my point.

Burger Kayser at Eric Kayser combines all the right element in creating a burger that feels like a warm hug from your grandmother on a rainy day. It is everything. Just look at its insides. You know it wants to love you.

Hot Fudge Brownie at HRC Lagos

If foods had fates, the sole fate of this hot fudge brownie would be to light up the world like you’re on an acid trip. Take it all in. Now, go get some! Look at that chocolate drizzle. Ugh, amazing!

Oreo Cheesecake Popsicle at Rum & Passion

Oreos and cheese? Need I say more? This frozen treat is bound to have the reverse effect on your troubles. It’s definitely thawing them out, leaving you warm and sweeter on the inside. You deserve it! Simple yet satisfying.

Sweet Chilli Chicken Pizza at Pizza Hut

What is a list of comfort food without pizza? Incomplete. Pizza, like burgers, if I combination of everything beautiful in the world. No matter the situation, a slice of warm pizza is bound to leave you better. At Pizza Hut, the sweet chilli chicken combines the best of both worlds; sweet and spicy, when the world chooses to give you nothing. That’s love. A box of pure joy…

Oreo Milkshake at South Social

Comfort foods aren’t always things that you chew. They can be drinks too. The Oreo Milkshake is everything you need to wash away the tragedies associated with living in Lagos. Cheers. 

Do you have a go-to comfort meal? Let us know so we can try it out.


I’m a spice who knows she’s sweet - most of the time. I have an affinity for cozy conversations with sweet reds and creamy pasta chock full of shrimp. I also like to party, drink Bacardi straight and talk about star signs. I run a spectrum. Spin the wheel and see who pops up


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