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All the Emotions You Experience When Your Card is Declined

What happens when your ‘treat yo self’ attempt goes awfully wrong? Everyone who has ever used the POS payment option can relate to the nightmare of having your transaction declined at the most crucial point. Here’s a breakdown of all the scary things that happens when your card suddenly declines at a restaurant.

1. So you’ve once again decided that you don’t want the rice at home.

The right thing to do is to try out that fancy new place for dinner or brunch with a date or with friends. Honestly, that’s fair, work hard, play hard, right? Or something like that.

2. But picture this, after the very nice meal, you ask the waiter to bring the bill and you produce your card, ready for the chest-pain-inducing debit alert.

Let’s face it, debit alerts hurt, no matter how small. Anyway, you hand your card to the waiter and he says the card was declined.

3. You look up, bewildered, “Nah, try it again, it’s probably the network.” 

The first stage is denial. There’s no way your account is low on funds, you know exactly how you budgeted this month’s spending. 

4. In those few moments before he tries again and lets you know the verdict, your life flashes before your eyes.

Your next thought is probably what you would do if you actually somehow don’t have the funds to pay.

5. How can this happen? You start to wonder if your bank has stolen money from you again.

So, you vow to visit the branch close to their office on Monday, and hail fire and brimstone upon their heads if even one kobo of your money is missing. 

6. You start to wonder if the restaurant accepts transfers and calculating how many plates you have to wash to make up for the meal.

At this point, all your options are not good. You could either end up as the subject of an embarrassing Twitter thread or stain your baffs with Morning Fresh soap from all the plates you will wash.

7. Time is moving in slow motion as the waiter slowly inserts the card into the POS machine once again.

8. Well, because your village people’s wahala didn’t work you suddenly hear the sound of ripping paper.

You look up as the waiter hands you your card and receipt and says, smiling,  “it was network after all.”

Thankfully, you won't have to deal with this type of wahala with Sterling Bank. Start your journey with them right here.

Featured image via: Justin James Muir