Hot Take: 8 Popular Nigerian Food Pairings That Should Be Banned

DISCLAIMER: This category is called ‘hot take’ because it is not backed by any science other than the one of personal opinion. In summary, it’s not that deep.

As someone who has a peculiar taste in food, I’ve been called a ‘hater’ or ‘picky eater’ by a lot of people. Well, it’s not my fault that I like what I like, and I hate what I hate. I mean, I know my affinity for pepper doesn’t necessarily make me an authority on food but that’s not why we’re here.

I am here to shed light on the most garbage food pairings Nigerians love to eat with the hope that you, reader, will leave here enlightened or entertained at least. Without further ado, here we go:

1. Eggs in Moin-moin


On a good day, moin-moin is up there in the Nigerian food hall of fame. However, I have never understood why Nigerians decided to add eggs into beans. Bar the resulting fart fest, putting eggs into an already sufficient dish is doing the most if we’re keeping it a buck. Do better, guys.

2. Yam and fried eggs


I think boiled yam as a meal should not exist. It is heavy, causes constipation and is so bland that people who relish yam literally risk diabetes by adding sugar to give a semblance of flavour. Adding fried eggs to the mix just creates a trash dish if you ask me. Be creative – eat your yams with well-seasoned sauce, baked beans (eww), anything, just save our chickens, dears.

3. Amala with any vegetable soup


We’ve said it countless times that Nigerian soups shouldn’t be limited to swallow, and I stand by that any day. Efo riro might seem like the vanilla of Nigerian soups because it’s basic AF, but it just doesn’t go with everything. Amala is a bad bitch that deserves better than leaf stew.

4. Pasta with boiled eggs


Unless you’re a broke university student with little culinary options, there’s no reason to voluntarily eat this meal. Break the yoke of laziness today and cook your pasta with good protein today, guys. You can do it.

5. Jollof rice and vegetables


We already discussed the things that don’t belong in Jollof rice but I guess this needs to be said again. One of the most ghetto things I’ve ever seen in my life is jollof rice garnished with broiled ugwu leaves. Again, only people with dietary constraints should be consuming this combination.

6. Anything with sardines

Sardine smell lingers on the breaths of people who eat them longer than normal. On top of that, I’ve never heard of any great culinary invention that came from sardines. Just throw them in the dustbin where they belong and stop terrorizing your co-workers with sardine breath.

7. Burgers with fried eggs


One word – WHY? Eggs don’t belong in burgers. And that is on period! That is all.

8. Shawarma with sausages


For someone who loves shawarma, writing this statement makes me a whole clown but it needs to be said. I never knew how much Nigerians loved their sausages until I came across a spot offering shawarmas with up to four sausages. 4 SAUSAGES? I admit it, sausages were an integral part of my introduction to Nigerian-style of shawarma. But since I tasted shawarma without sausages, I have never looked back.

Tell us, which meal pairings do you absolutely refuse to eat?


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