Getting To #EatDrinkFestival FOUR

Parking at the last EatDrinkFestival wasn't that great even though it was Eko Atlantic and there was excess space. We've worked really hard to try and fix that this year. 

If you're driving the #EatDrinkFestivalFOUR, there are four different parking lots at varying distances to the venue. See what we did there?

Look out for these signs

Look out for these signs


Based on feedback we've received from previous events, we’ve invited a company that offers park and ride shuttles to operate at our event.



So if you park in the blue, yellow and green lots, you’ll have the opportunity to ride an air-conditioned shuttle (for a small fee) directly to the event. 


And if you don’t want to drive (or don’t have fuel), you absolutely don’t need to because you can simply Taxify to the venue. Using our Taxify code, EATDRINKFESTIVAL you’ll get up to N2000 of your ride to/from the festival. 

Up to N2000 off your trip to the festival with code eatdrinkFestival(1).png

An #EatDrinkFestivalFOUR Postmortem


Maggi Kitchen Battle at #EatDrinkFestivalFOUR