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Smoothie Express is Getting a Brick & Mortar Store

Smoothie Express Minibar

It's always nice to see good people win. We might have shed a couple thug tears when we read Smoothie Express' instagram announcement.

See this content in the original post

Business in Lagos is hard so it's nice to read stories like this once in a while.

Featured Restaurants on EatDrinkBot

If you've used the bot recently, you've probably noticed the "Featured Restaurant" addition. It's our first significant update since launch so it's a little exciting.

We've spent most of the year fixing bugs here and there so we're a bit pumped to get out a new feature. Within the next year, we're hoping to to expand the bot's restaurant coverage as far as geography goes. Maybe add a "cuisine search" feature or a reservation aspect to it. The future is bright and stuff. 

Six.Thirty Supper Club

We're massive fans of secret supper clubs. It's pretty much everything we tried to achieve with The Lunch Club. If there's anything that drives the culture of food in a city, it's little things like this. 

Mystery locations, secret menus, fun chefs. Six.Thirty feels like the underground supper club that Lagos deserves.

If you're interested, sign up HERE. We have already. 

A Case Against Burgers at Restaurants

We retweeted this pretty interesting article yesterday.

The context is America, but we certainly feel the argument works perfectly in Lagos as well. We don't agree with it all, but it helps give some perspective when you compare a burger at South or RSVP with one from BBQ & Cravings. There's definitely a place for both, but that line on restaurant burgers being a bit boring definitely rings true.